Hi. I’m Danyelle, Owner of Simplify & Organize, LLC.

There are a lot of reasons as to why you may have found yourself here.

Maybe you have to downsize your home or are relocating to a new city or state for a job. Maybe you’ve recently become single, need assisted living, or are processing the loss of a loved one and need space to grieve. Maybe you’re just ready to live a more balanced, intentional life.

No matter your reason, I’m here to help.

The need to accumulate has led us to be disconnected to who we are, and what we truly want. It’s caused massive amounts of waste, low self-esteem through constantly comparing and contrasting our lives to others, and burnout.

Most people think of clutter as physical stuff, but clutter can also be mental and emotional: toxic relationships, bad habits, and unfulfilling professions. It’s anything that does not support you feeling, giving, and doing your best.

Ridding oneself of clutter – whether mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical – allows you to start aligning the life you have, with the life you want.  Things will be difficult at first, as it can be hard to let go, but once you do…you allow space for peace, calm and freedom.

I truly believe that a life with less is the ultimate form of self-care, and the value of what I provide goes beyond just organizing things. I’ve made a lot of hard choices in the pursuit of a simpler life, and have learned a great deal in the process.

I’m a source of support, encouragement, and accountability. I’m someone who cares about you and doesn’t judge. I’m there to help give you a clean slate, and provide you the tools for a foundation to intentional living.

I’m here to help you let go so you can take the first step towards lasting change.

Less stuff. Less debt. Less stress. More Living.